

Common Ground USA (CG-USA) is Search for Common Ground’s most significant investment in a self-sustaining and peaceful United States.

An initiative of

We stand on the shoulders of 40

years of peacebuilding around the globe.

Our Vision

Our Team represents our value of “Dignity of All” from the inside out.

We envision an America where we engage in collaboration across differences to address our greatest challenges, and where we can all belong and thrive. Most Americans want to overcome the divisions we face in our society. Disagreement is an opportunity to transform conflict into cooperation on our daily and most pernicious problems. It takes courage. And everyone can do it.

Our Values

Enduring change comes from solving our hardest problems together

We begin with “Dignity of All,” or multi-partiality, the premise that enduring solutions require ownership from across divisions. Our team and our work intentionally emanate from a diverse span of experience, ideologies, races, religions, ages, genders, and geographies.

Our Methodology

Collaboration Builds Trust

Our programs work through multiple levels and fronts – from the national networks to the grassroots, from institutions to individuals, from boardrooms to living rooms to online spaces – but employ the central tenant: that conflict is transformed by growing collaboration, connection, and trust across differences.

Our Impact

Experience, Evidence, and Enduring Change

We apply tested evidence-based interventions and decades of Search for Common Ground’s experience in conflict zones across the world to humanize our neighbors and address misconceptions that tear us apart. We hold a long-term vision while taking immediate action and bringing together siloed components of the field to that end.

Our Latest

Let’s Turn Conflict

Into Community



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