You have Questions?
We have Answers

  • Anyone and everyone, but we encourage you and your friends to reach out one or two circles beyond your usual. Unity through diversity will heal our divisions, not more time with the people we already know and understand.

  • The more the merrier! But, we think the ideal number is 7-10 people. Big enough to have a great time, but still small enough to feel personal.

  • We believe the best place is in the places that you live. Living rooms and dining room tables make great spaces for meaningful conversations. But, we also know that’s not possible for some. So, we suggest you find a coffee shop, restaurant, church, mosque, synagogue or even a community center that allows food, great conversation, and has the ability to show a cool video we have for you at the end of the Feast.

  • The Love Anyway Feast is meant to help us know and enjoy each other outside of the confines of polarizing topics so we can build trust before going deeper. Topics should include “tell me about yourself” more than “what is the biggest problem with our culture is today?” We have conversation starters for you in our feast guide.

  • We have a few recipes from friends all over the world to get you started here. But we think it could be cool for you as the host, to create the main potluck dish and invite your guests to bring a side dish or drink of their choice!

  • Yes! Love Anyway is about crossing the lines that divide us.

  • Sure! We totally get that schedules change and can be crazy. We’d love for everyone to do it in community and build momentum on this one day, but there’s no bad time to love anyway. Have a different date in mind? Email us at so that we can help!

  • We’re always in for helping in any way we can. Our team has come together and created a system of support and direction at your fingertips to help make this a success! Read through this Love Anyway Feast FAQ and as always, feel free to shoot us an email at ​

  • Yes, having a Love Anyway Feast in your home is what we feel is ideal!  As long as you are comfortable, we highly recommend doing so with people you know, as you will have more control of external factors!

  • Yes! Securing a venue may be easier than you think. We believe every yes starts with a conversation.

  • We get that and we all have to start somewhere. Finding and engaging with people that are different from you can be really intimidating, but also very rewarding. Differences don’t only have to be on the surface. There may be someone you know that practices a different type of faith than you, votes differently than you, has a different family dynamic than you and the list goes on. We want to encourage you to think past the obvious and lean into the less-obvious. And remember, it’s totally fine to start with a few!

  • Yes, of course.  If you wish to host more than one, that is more than welcomed, especially if you have different and large circles of friends! Don’t forget to register all your feasts here! If you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

  • Keep doing what you are doing! Share our website, share the eventbrite, and forward their email to us and we will also reach out.  Our goal is 2000 feasts this year, and we need your help!  It will take all our efforts to heal all that is tearing us apart!

  • Yes! If you feel like you have to change your Love Anyway Feast in any way, please do so!  We want you to be comfortable with hosting and connecting in the best possible way.  If you would like to discuss this, please reach out to us!


Supporting Colleges to Deal with Increased Polarization & Conflict on Campus