Stories of Peace and Resilience

By harnessing the power of storytelling, CG-USA creates unifying messages that bridge the divides among Americans, fostering deeper understanding and connection.

How to Address Polarization on College Campuses in the United States

On May 4, Shamil Idriss, CEO of Search for Common Ground, joined CNN's Fredricka Whitfield to discuss the current protests on college campuses across the United States and what colleges can do to reduce polarization on campus

Peacemaking & Pride

In honor of Pride Month, Preemptive Love's Generation Peace is sitting down with Ryann Bradford (Bradford Botanical, Atlanta), and B.T. Harman (Blue Babies Pink) for a conversation around orientation, identity, and acceptance.

Carried by Community

In partnership with Atlanta Run Club, explore the story of two individuals who came together to create an atmosphere and environment of culture and inclusion.

Conflict is an Opportunity

Search for Common Ground sees conflict as an opportunity to reach across dividing lines to understand the other. Looking for signs of hope, Search asks community members, “Who do you trust?” That’s one reason we’re so excited to merge our community of peacemakers with theirs.

Find more on our YouTube Channel
